Welcome to the BMX freestyle community—a haven crafted for riders, enthusiasts, and anyone fueled by the thrill of two wheels. This website creates a central hub, a single source for all things BMX freestyle in Australia.

In the dynamic world of BMX freestyle, we understand the struggle of scouring various channels for news, tips, and event schedules. That's why we've curated this space—an oasis where information is stored and easily accessible.

Our pride and joy? The comprehensive national event schedule. We recognise the importance of knowing when and where the action unfolds. From local competitions and jams to prestigious national events, our calendar is the go-to resource for riders eager to participate and fans hungry for the exhilarating displays of BMX freestyle prowess. We need you, the community to help build this calendar, so please send details, dates and contacts so we can add them.

The BMX freestyle community is vibrant and passionate about sharing knowledge, experiences, and tips that elevate BMX freestyle. However traditionally this has all been underground; meaning for new riders it’s very difficult to fully connect with and join the sport. To propel the sport’s growth, unify the community and give freestyle athletes the attention and funding they deserve, more visual and intentional information and communications are needed.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, there's a place for you here. Dive into insightful articles, connect with fellow riders, and absorb the collective wisdom that thrives within these digital walls. Join us in celebrating the culture, pushing boundaries, and embracing the adrenaline rush that comes from defying gravity on two wheels.

All information provided is just opinion, please verify and do your own due diligence before purchasing or engaging with suppliers. We are not affiliated or associated with any formal bodies such as AusCycling, although we’d very much like to be!

This website is run by a few passionate riders/supporters so please be kind, supportive and share the stoke.

About us.